History of Economics

Simply what is Economics???

          That is a simple story explaining what economics exactly means or teaches. Once there lived a king named TISNOFIL. He was in such a terrible condition that his country was economically backward and also he was facing a war threat. Then he wanted to study about all the subjects in some days. So he called all the eminents. He also wanted to study economics. So he told the economists to make the simplest form of a book which will teach the whole economics. The economists made a volume of 10 books. But the king became angry and told the economists to define the essence of economics in one sentence. The economists couldn't make it. The king gave them the capital punishment. Before that he gave them a lavish dinner and asked them for their last will. Suddenly an economist stood up and said I got the answer...... There is no such thing like free lunch ( TISNOFIL). That is what economics says there is a reason behind everything....

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